raspberry lemonade

Sunday, May 30, 2010

When I hear people complain about the heat, I want to punch them in the kidneys. But that would be rude. So, I make lemonade instead. Nothing cures a case of summer-heat-woes better than an ice cold glass of homemade raspberry lemonade. It's refreshing and core-cooling. And there's really just something therapeutic about juicing lemons the old fashioned way, isn't there?

10 lemons, juice and zest of
7 cups water
3(ish) cups ice cubes
2 cups raspberries (Fresh or frozen. I prefer fresh. Also, 2 cups is only a suggestion. Go nuts.)
simple syrup (1 cup water, 1 cup granulated sugar)
fresh mint leaves for garnishing (optional)

1. Zest those lemons. All of 'em. That's where all of that awesome lemon flavour is hiding.

2. Now juice them! Tip: roll those bitches around on the counter (somewhat agressively) before you half and juice them. It just makes it a little easier to get as much juice as possible out of them.

3. Add the zest to the juice, and let it stand for an hour or so.

4. Meanwhile, prepare simple syrup. (Combine 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar in sauce pan over medium-high heat. Bring to boil, and then remove from heat. Pour into glass container and let it cool in the fridge before using.)

5. Strain lemon juice into a large juice pitcher with ice.

6. Add simple syrup, water, and raspberries. Stir. 

7. Garnish with mint leaves. (optional)

Makes a great mixed drink with vodka, rum, or gin -- all tried and tested by your's truly, I don't mind saying.

So, stop complaining about this beautiful, hot summer weather. It's not too hot. You just need some lemonade.

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